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Sunday, June 7, 2015

What's in a name?

The clouds were slowly rolling in after supper with the promise of overnight rain and thunderstorms. (who doesn't like a good thunderstorm).  We sat in the backyard within sight of #ourpurplecanoe and soon the conversation was about our upcoming trip to #CharlestonLkPP, how quickly the time was approaching and how much we had to do in preparation.  A thought then crossed my mind - I do believe it is about time to give our purple canoe a name.  Something was sticking with me from a previous post in which I had used the word purpleness...  "How about purple ness" I asked.  "Sounds O,K,, as long as it's two words, purple and ness, n-e-s-s-" she responded.  I smiled. We were on the same page.  Seems to me our purple canoe just got it's name.

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